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Halifax exercise
84-76-14176 · Item · ca. 1916

Item is a postcard showing soldiers of the 25th Battalion of the CEF in an exercise during World War 1. The exercise took place in Halifax and the Armories and Park Street Church are visible in the background.

Halifax exercise
CA BI 84-77-14177 · Item · ca. 1916

Item is a postcard showing an exercise of the 25th Battalion of the CEF in Halifax during World War 1. A note on the reverse reads: "Getting ready to form an 'outpush' for the protection of a force encamped. Small parties are being detailes to various duties - scouts - patrols sentry groups + detached posts."

Halifax, May 16, 1919
84-61-14161 · Item · 1919

Item is a postcard showing the return of the 25th Battalion of the CEF to Halifax on May 16, 1919 after the end of the First World War. Soldiers participating in the parade are noted to be carrying a Maj. Matheson, visible on the shoulders of one of the men in the bottom right corner of the photograph. A handwritten note on the photo credits it to one "F.G. Goodenough". The ship from which the soldiers are disembarking is partially visible in the background.

CA BI 84-78-14178 · Item · 1914-1919

Item is a postcard showing members of the 25th Battalion of the CEF in an exercise in Halifax during World War 1. The three officers pictured on the left side are identified as Lieut. Howard Johnson, Major Weston, and Capt. McRae.

CA BI 84-79-14179 · Item · 1915

Item is a postcard showing a number of soldiers marching down a street during World War 1. The soldiers, likely members of the 25th Battalion of the CEF, are in full uniform with rifles, canteens, and satchels. The photo was likely taken in Halifax.

Troops Embarking at Halifax
CA BI 77-1538-1672 · Item · 1914-1918

Item is a photographic postcard of a number of troops embarking in Halifax during WWI. Soldiers in full uniform are visible on the upper and lower decks of the boat while onlookers, mostly in day wear, are visible on the dock.