3 colour photographs: beach scene; Sister Margaret Beaton`s house (pre and post renovations). 1 funeral mass program; 1 Holy Communion book; 1 book ”The Complete sayings of Jesus”.
Item is a photograph of Bishop Colin MacPherson (Scotland) visiting Cape Bretoniana/Beaton Institute, Cape Breton University.
Item is a photograph of Rev. D.F. Campbell, Bishop Colin MacPherson (Scotland), Sister Margaret Beaton, Father John MacLean (Scotland), and Rev. John Hugh MacEachern.
Item is a photograph of John Campbell, Rev. D.F. Campbell, Rev. Douglas Murphy, Rev. John MacLeod, Rev. John Archie Chisholm, Rev. John Hugh MacEachern, Sr. Margaret Beaton and Bishop Colin MacPherson at the Beaton Institute.
Item is a photograph of Bishop Colin MacPherson at the Beaton Institute.
Item is a photograph of Sr. Margaret Beaton and Bishop Colin MacPherson at the Beaton Institute.
Item is a photograph of Bishop Colin MacPherson (Scotland) at the Beaton Institute.
Item is a copy of a popular Scottish song.
Item is a choral song in praise of Scotland.
MacNeil, John, Chief of Gaelic Society - Testimonial dinner given by the Sydney (N.S.) Chapter of Commun Gaidhlig Cheap Breatuinn in honor of Sister Margaret Beaton, May 27, 1973: Address
MacEachern, Donald, First Chieftan, Gaelic Society -Introduces Jim Charlie MacNeil
MacNeil, Jim Charlie - Address
Xavier College Children's Chorus - Posadh piuthair Iain Bhain
Xavier College Children's Chorus - Brochan Lom
Xavier College Children's Chorus - O nach till thu ruinn a ris...
MacEachern, Donald - Reading of congratulatory messages and telegrams
MacEachern, Donald - Introduces John Alex MacPherson, main speaker at the dinner
MacPherson, John Alex - Address
Beaton, Sister Margaret - Address
Beaton, Sister Margaret - Address
MacNeil, John Dan - Presentation of gift to Sister Beaton
Tubrett, Mayor Earle - Brief remarks
MacDonald, Mrs. Kay - A' Mhairi Dhubh
MacDonald, Mrs. Kay - Faill ill o agus ho ro eile...
MacDonald, Mrs. Kay - Ho ro 's toigh leam fhein thu...
Campbell, JohnItem is a photograph of Sister Margaret Beaton at Cape Bretoniana (Beaton Institute) with Bishop Colin MacPherson of Scotland.
Raytel PhotographyItem is a photograph of Sister Margaret Beaton with a group of Xavier students on the occasion of her receiving her doctorate.
Fonds consists of Sister Beaton’s correspondence, essays, travelogues, speeches, newspaper clippings, certificates, and a few pieces of her schoolwork. Also included are documents related to Cape Bretoniana and her work there as a librarian and archivist.
Beaton, Sister Margaret