The collection consists of cellulose acetate film-based negatives originally belonging to Shedden Studio of Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. The collection consists of 1136 negatives in two sizes: 10 x 12.5 cm and 12.5 x 16 cm. The content of the images primarily documents coal mining activity between 1948-1968 connected with the operations of the Dominion Coal and Steel Company (DOSCO). In addition to company staff portraits and company events, the negatives mainly capture coal miners and equipment above and below the surface. The main work sites documented include Glace Bay-based collieries ( 1B, No. 18, No. 26, No. 20, No. 25, No. 25). The collection also contains what appear to be unrelated images of rural Cape Breton and a group of Images of Glace Bay and rural Cape Breton. As well, a grouping of unidentified and un-numbered negatives which may belong to an earlier accrual accompanied this donation.
The negatives have been arranged to a series level with five distinct series. A selection of negatives from each series has been digitized for access purposes. An item level listing corresponding to the scanned images is available but does not include all the negatives. Unfortunately, no original listing or indices for the negatives were included in the donation and are thought to be lost. The full item level inventory is in process and after the appraisal is complete, some of the negatives will be re-arranged with earlier accruals to re-create original order.
MG 21.26