Item is a photographic postcard of a World War 1 army officer in full uniform.
File contains a single photographic postcard of an unidentified army officer in full uniform.
Item is a postcard from Charlie Slate to Ms. McPherson.
Item is a postcard of the north end of George Street showing the corner of Central school grounds with the Lyceum and Sacred Heart Church in the background.
Item is a postcard of a soldier in uniform during World War 1. The photo was taken in London, England.
Item is a postcard of two soldiers, Charles Appleton (at left) and Frank Harringbot, during World War 1. Both are in full uniform.
Item is a postcard of a scene near Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Item is a postcard showcasing the Margaree River along the Cabot Trail.
Postcard of a winter scene at Westmount, Sydney, N.S. Showing horses and a sleigh.
Item is a postcard showing Percy Willmot lying in a carriage on a road during World War 1. A note on the reverse reads: "'Me + My Ford' Very comfy. K[indecipherable] Pk. April 23/15. P."
Item is a postcard showing two members of the 25th Battalion of the CEF taken during World War 1.
Item is a postcard showing five members of the 25th Battalion of the CEF taken during World War 1. The photo was taken after a "champagne supper" the night before and is noted as being "taken with a small hand camera." The soldiers are identified on the reverse as: RSM Hinchcliffe (died at Vimy), CQMS Hills (Susie), Sgt. P.C. Willmot, Cpl. P. Walker, and Pte. Dr. 'Pete' Murray.
Item is a postcard showing three unidentified soldiers of the 25th Battalion of the CEF taken during World War 1.
Item is a postcard showing five soldiers of the 25th Battalion of the CEF taken during World War 1. The soldiers are identified on the reverse of the item and are in full uniform.
Item is a postcard showing five unidentified soldiers of the 25th Battalion of the CEF taken during World War 1.
Item is a postcard showing the John Leigh Hospital at Townfield House in Altringham, England, taken during the World War 1. Four unidentified uniformed soldiers are visible in front of the building.
Item is a postcard showing soldiers of 'B' company of the 25th Battalion of the CEF marching down a street during World War 1. The officer leading the march is identified as Lieut. Simpson.
Item is a postcard showing a number of soldiers marching down a street during World War 1. The soldiers, likely members of the 25th Battalion of the CEF, are in full uniform with rifles, canteens, and satchels. The photo was likely taken in Halifax.
Item is a postcard showing members of the 25th Battalion of the CEF in an exercise in Halifax during World War 1. The three officers pictured on the left side are identified as Lieut. Howard Johnson, Major Weston, and Capt. McRae.
Item is a postcard showing an exercise of the 25th Battalion of the CEF in Halifax during World War 1. A note on the reverse reads: "Getting ready to form an 'outpush' for the protection of a force encamped. Small parties are being detailes to various duties - scouts - patrols sentry groups + detached posts."
Item is a postcard showing soldiers of the 25th Battalion of the CEF in an exercise during World War 1. The exercise took place in Halifax and the Armories and Park Street Church are visible in the background.
Item is a photographic postcard showing the Headquarters of the 185th Cape Breton Highlanders in Broughton during the First World War. A heading below the photo identifies the Broughton Arms and General Offices.
Item is a postcard showing a crowd of people near the shore of a lake or river during World War 1.
Item is a postcard showing an unidentified member of the 25th Battalion of the CEF taken during World War 1. The soldier is in full uniform and holding a rifle with a bayonet.
Item is a postcard of Piper's Cove, taken from the wharf looking across the bay at the houses on the hill.
Item is a postcard of the wharf at Piper's Cove.
Item is a photograph of the Langille family postcard.
Item is a photographic postcard of fossils.
Item is a photographic postcard of fossils.
Item is a photographic postcard of Beinn Bhreagh, the summer residence of Alexander Graham Bell.
Item is a photographic postcard showing the Sydney Mines mines as viewed from Post Office Square.
Item is a photographic postcard of a miner operating a long wall machine.
Item is a photographic postcard of the view from the upper deck of the "War Wasp," launched in Trenton, Pictou County, at 1pm on Monday, July 9th, 1917. Crew members on deck and another vessel in the background are visible.
Item is a photographic postcard of the "War Wasp," launched in Trenton, Pictou County, at 1pm on Monday, July 9th, 1917.
Item is a photographic postcard of Lake O'Law.
Item is a photographic postcard of the Lyceum Theatre, Sydney, showing Sacred Heart Church.
Sydney's Lyceum was constructed in 1904 as a multi-purpose cultural centre. Since that time, the building has housed countless live performances, a library, and even a gymnasium. Currently owned by the Old Sydney Society and known as the Cape Breton Centre for Heritage and Science, the building was recognized as a heritage building in 1983 and continues to host exhibits that highlight Sydney's history.
Item is a photographic postcard of East Whycocomagh.
Item is a photographic postcard of the cove at Greener's Wharf.
Item is a postcard of MacLean's Farm at the foot of North Mountain in Grand Anse Valley (Pleasant Bay) on the Cabot Trail.
Item is a photographic postcard of Ingonish Beach.
Item is a photographic postcard of the horseshoe curve on the Cabot Trail.
Item is a postcard of a view of Whycocomagh Harbour.
Inscribed on the back of the postcard: How about Camera / Whycocomagh. Aug. 7/07 / Dear Sade. / Arrived OK. It is a lovely place. we are boarding at a Mrs Austins. a £ per week if you dont mind. room for you. Do try and come up Sunday. Win / Miss Sadie Brehaut / Sydney / C.B. / P.O Bx 74
Item is a photographic postcard of the surviving settlers who went to Australia and New Zealand with Norman MacLeod on the ship called the "Highland Lass".
Back row, L to R: J. McKay 'Ban' (Napier), D. McKay 'Ban' (Waipu), W. McDonald (Waipu), Dan McKay 'Ban' (Waipu), K. McDonald (Waipu), D.H. McKenzie (Waipu), K. Stewart (Whangarei Hds).
Third row, L to R: Miss J. McKenzie (Waipu), Miss C. McKay (Waipu), Mrs. J.W. Durham (Waipu), A. MacKay 'Ban' (Waipu), N. McKenzie 'Prince' (Waipu), W. McLennan (Waipu), J.R. MacKay (Waipu), Miss E. McKay 'Ban' (Waipu), Mrs. Webster (Waipu), Mrs. R. Campbell (Waipu).
Second row, L to R: H. McKenzie (Waipu), R. Finlayson (Waipu), Mrs. P.H. McKay (Waipu), Mrs. Anderson (Mangere), Mrs. Sheddon (Auckland), Mrs. W. McKenzie (Waipu), Mrs. D. McKenzie 'Prince' (Waipu), Mrs. J. Finlayson (Waipu), Mrs. D. McLeod (Waipu), Mrs. M. McAulay (Waipu).
Front row, L to R: D. McKay 'Ban' (Waipu), Capt. J. McKenzie 'Prince' (Waipu), J. McLean (Waipu), D. Stewart (Whangarei Hds).
Item is a photographic postcard of the surviving settlers who went to Australia and New Zealand with Norman MacLeod on the ship called the "Gertrude".
Back row, L to R: J. Morrison (Waipu), J. McLeod (Waipu), Unknown.
Third row, L to R: Capt. J. Smith (Auckland), Mrs. Smith (Auckland), Mrs. Urquhart (Waipu), N. Campbell (Waipu), A. McMillan (Waipu), A. McInnis (Waipu), K. McDonald (Whangarei Hds), J. McMillan (Waipu), A.P. Campbell (Waipu), Miss Mary McKenzie (Waipu).
Second row, L to R: J. Campbell (Three Mile Bush), Mrs. Brooks (Waipu), Miss M. Morrison (Waipu), N.J. Campbell (Waipu), Mrs. M. McDonald (Waipu), Miss M. McMillan (Auckland), Miss M.A. McKay (Waipu), N. McMillan (Auckland), Mrs. J. Cameron (Waipu), D.C. McLennan (Waipu), Mrs. J.M. McKay (Waipu), Miss M. McMillan (Waipu).
Front row, L to R: Mrs. E. McLean (Waipu), Mrs. N. MacLean (Whangarei), Mrs. J. Campbell (Three Mile Bush), M. Buchanan (Kauri), Mrs. N. McLennan (Kauri), Mrs. R. MacKay (Kauri), Miss C. McLennan (Waipu), Mrs. J. Wilson (Whangarei), Miss B. Morrison (Waipu), Mrs. E. McMillan (Waipu), E. McMillan (Waipu), Mrs. McKenzie 'Shoemaker' (Waipu).
Item is a photographic postcard of the surviving settlers who went to Australia and New Zealand with Norman MacLeod on the brig called the "Ellen Lewis".
Back row, L to R: A. MacDonald (Whangarei), A. McLeod (Kauri), D.A. McMillan (Waipu), A. Kempt (Waipu), J. McAulay (Waipu), J. McLeod (Waipu), A. McLeod (Waipu).
Third row, L to R: D.M. McLeod (Waipu), R. McRae (Waipu), Mrs. MacLeod (Waipu), Mrs. N. Campbell (Mangawhai), J. Kempt (Waipu), N.H. Campbell (Waipu), M. McLean (Auckland), J. McKenzie (Kauri), M. McDonald (Whangarei), H. Ferguson (Tutukaka), J. Campbell (Waipu), D. McLeod (Kauri).
Second row, L to R: Mrs. K. MacKenzie (Waipu), Mrs. Poulter (Auckland), Mrs. Wallace (Waipu), Mrs. R. McGregor (Waipu), Miss A. McKenzie (Waipu), Mrs. K. Stewart (Whangarei Hds), Mrs. N. MacKenzie (Kauri), Mrs. Kelsey (Waipu), Mrs. H. Ferguson (Tutukaka), D. Matheson (Kauri), Mrs. G. Ross (Whangarei Hds), Mrs. G. Sutherland (Waipu), Mrs. F Young (Waipu).
Front row, L to R: Unknown, Mrs. R. McRae (Waipu), Mrs. J Kempt (Waipu), Mrs. H. McKenzie (Kauri), Mrs. J. McDonald (Whangarei), Mrs. A. McMillan (Waipu), J. McLean (Auckland), Mrs. McBeth (Kauri), Mrs. N.J. Campbell (Waipu), Mrs. H. Sutherland (Waipu), Mrs. N. McKenzie (Waipu), Mrs. J. Munro (Marsden Pt), Mrs. J. Munro (Waipu).
Item is a postcard featuring a sketch of the Grand Narrows Hotel on an advertising postcard.
Item is a photographic postcard of a rear view of the Blast Furnace, Sydney Mines.
Item is a photographic postcard of Baddeck Harbour.
Item is a photographic postcard of Harnord Lakes, at Lake O'Law.
Item is a photographic postcard of Mabou showing the bridge and church.
Item is a postcard featuring a photograph of St. Mary's glebe with a priest and a man standing in front of it.